Stefanie and Carlos married a few years later and were expecting a baby a couple of years after that. They were having a family get-together at their house for a “Guess the Gender Party.” They were serving some appetizers and her Aunt Charlotte had prepared some cupcakes. Inside one of the cupcakes was a plastic blue baby figurine and there would be just one winner to announce the gender of the baby. It was kind of like Willy Wonka’s “golden ticket” except there really wasn’t anything to win except the opportunity to make the announcement. Stefanie had been in to have an “ultrasound” that afternoon and she and Carlos were anxious to let the family know the answer to the question and this was a fun way of doing it (and an excuse to have everyone together for food). Angie and I already knew the answer. Stefanie had agreed to let us know as soon as she found out. They were having a boy and I was secretly ecstatic about the news. Angie and I have two daughters and a granddaughter and this would be the first boy in our little family.
Things were going good. They had a good showing and everyone was chatting and catching up after the holidays. The cupcakes were served and once everyone knew that one of them had the figurine it was just seconds before someone yelled out “Boy!” We all had a laugh and everyone made congratulatory remarks to Stefanie & Carlos, to Angie & me, and to Carlos’ parents who were also present for the announcement. I immediately went to the kitchen and got a second helping of whatever I was eating and then started to prepare some coffee. As it turned out, the announcements weren’t over yet. “Announcements?” Carlos and Stefanie stood up in front of the group and said that they would like to announce the baby’s name. “That’s interesting,” I thought to myself. Although they hadn’t settled on a name up to now, I had heard most of what names had made the final list. They had talked about the name Antonio or a variation of it (Anthony, Tony) after Angie’s father. There were a few others and I knew that they would eventually find one together. I hadn’t even thought much about it lately, to be honest.
Carlos said “All of the men in my family are named Carlos. Most of us go by our middle name though I am the exception. Still, the baby’s first name will be Carlos.” “That makes sense,” I thought. “They’ll name him ‘Carlos Antonio’ most likely.” Then he continued, “The baby’s middle name will be Miguel.” Stefanie stepped up and finished “We’ll call him Miguel.” “Wow!” I thought. “Are you serious?” I asked them. “Yes, Dad, we’re serious!” they answered. I was in hog heaven. A boy and they’re naming him after me! Well, almost. When I got home I opened my Facebook account and changed my name to “Miguel Shoemaker.” “Now, it’s done” I thought. “They’re naming him after me. Ha-ha.”
Stefanie’s due date was fast-approaching. She was making weekly visits to the doctor’s office and she had an excess amount of Amniotic fluid in her tummy, according to her doctor. She was having a hard time with daily tasks and Angie and I weren’t sure if she would carry the baby to term. Spring Break was coming up and Stefanie was looking forward to a week off from teaching so that she could just rest at home. Angie got the call on March 10th. Stefanie’s water had “broke” and Carlos was taking her to the hospital. Stefanie was almost a month away from her due date but Miguel was coming “Come Hell or low water!” I was out of town and Angie texted me the news. I agreed to meet her at the hospital before the baby came.
Miguel came shortly after noon. Overall, the birth went very well. He was a “Preemie” but his development looked good and his vitals were great. He weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces and he was over 18” long. The only worry was his breathing and skin color. The breathing became a minor thing after a day or so but he had to be placed under a light to help his condition . . . he had Jaundice. Stefanie was checked out on the 13th but Miguel would have to stay over the weekend. The Neo-natal Intensive Care’s purpose is to look after all babies born prematurely but we all know that Miguel’s stay will be a short one. I look forward to the many adventures that we will have with this little guy. Stay tuned :)